Application Forms

Reserve – 20 years program
The absolute best program Thailand Privilege has to offer. ‘Reserve’ is an Invitation-only program with longest visa validity of 20 years and highest privilege points of 200.

Diamond – 15 years program
The best option for long-stay with 15 years of membership validity and substantial privileges points available

Platinum – 10 years program
Another step up Gold member, and most value for money in terms of price per year with options to add supplementary cards to family members.

Gold – 5 years program
The best option for individuals who travel to Thailand frequently and has proven to be the highest preferred choice selected by many applicants.

Bronze – 5 years program
The latest and most cost-effective solution for individuals seeking long-term visa options.

PDPA form
Personal Data Protection Act form

Package Change Request Form
Package Change Request Form

Program Comparison Table
Thailand Privilege Programs comparison table

Membership Application Fee Payment Form
Thailand Privilege’s Membership Application Fee Submission Form